Tuesday 13 November 2012

Triple S ( Suprise, Strictly Pancakes and Skyfall)

The reason for my title is that the highlights of my day all start with a letter S: Suprise, Strictly Pancakes and Skyfall, which i will further elaborate in this post :) ( Warning: lengthy post)

Today met Lynette at tanah merah mrt station at 12, as we planned to meet Alyson at Dhoby Ghaut to try out the much talked about Strictly Pancakes. I was really excited for it was the first time trying savoury pancakes :) The restaurant was located at Prinsep Street which we had no idea where it was, so we had to rely on the very confusing google maps to find our way around which took up quite a lot of our time. But finally we managed to find it whoohoo!!
See that orange sign, that's the sign for Strictly Pancakes!!

We had to cross an overhead bridge to get here~

When we reached the shop, there was a queue in front of it ( which i kind of expected as i had kiasu-ly read some reviews before coming to this place and they all report the place to be full house at lunch time)
This humble looking store ( with alyson at the side haha)

It had a 2nd storey though :)
At first the waitress asked us if we mind sitting outside, and since Lynette was hungry and the queue wasn't budging I actually didn't mind, but Lynette said she wanted to wait to go inside as there was air-con, which kind of suprised me but I didn't say anything. 
After a while the waitress came and said something about 'table of 5...we have a place for 3 people upstairs' and gestured us to follow her upstairs. I was suprised as there were still people waiting in front of us in the queue so I didn't understand why we could go up first.
So up the stairs we went~ When we reached the 2nd level it turned out to be quite cozy, with a few tables and chairs lined up against the wall along with some cushions and chairs. There was also a huge mirror at the end which i was just staring blankly into when I heard laughing. So I turned around and.. saw Shihui and JianYi on one of the couches!! ( with a stack of pancakes already in fron of JY) At first it totally did not occur to me that they were intending to suprise me, i thought it was such a concidence to bump into them here!! But I noticed that Lynette and Alyson didn't seem suprised at all and when Lynette mentioned something about a cake i understood.. it was supposed to be a belated birthday suprise for me! :P Dumbass me, I can't believe I didn't suspect A SINGLE THING but on the other hand, you guys are really good suprisers and planners <3 I'm really touched that you all went to such lengths to plan this!!!<3 :'))

And here are a few factors that contributed to this successful suprise:
1) It was such an unassuming date, and it was even almost cancelled due to my chicken-pox scare
2) I didn't hear it when the waitress ( who is a bad actress) said ' oh are you the group with the table for 5...', I only heard the back part.
3) My birthday is almost 1 week over so i thought there would be no more celebrations till next year

So anyway, back to the food. We were supposed to order a set which came with maple syrup and choice of butter:
1) Salted (Alyson and I ordered this)
2) Unsalted (Lynette ordered this)
3) Herb and garlic (Shihui ordered this)
4) Rum and Raisin 
Our group tried all except the last one, which is weird but maybe I'll try it when i come again~
Butter and maple syrup~ 
In case you're wondering why the cup for the maple syrup appears like it's falling, it's actually made that way which makes it seem artistic and cool! :)

Before we came, JianYi already ordered Strawberries and coulis to 'stall for time'


Shihui also ordered before we came, the highly recommended Garlic buttered prawns
She let me try a bite and I must say, the thick and fluffy pancakes pair suprisingly well with the garlic and herb sauce! The garlic taste is pretty obvious but not in a bad way :) Shihui spammed hers with maple syrup and even ordered extra! It tastes better with maple syrup though suprisingly :P

Shared a chocolate oreo shake ($5.50) with Lynette and Alyson

The shake is REALLY thick and creamy and as oreo-ish as one can ask for. It's like someone blended oreos and added milk into it, too sweet for me but great for oreo/chocolate lovers ( ie. Lynette)
Potatoes Leeking Cheese ( $12) that Lynette ordered. If you're wondering where the potatoes/ leeks/ cheese are, they're stuffed into the pancake itself which makes it thicker that usual! Comes with a side of sour cream and mushrooms :) 

Tried a bite of this too and it's not bad at all!! :) The cheesy taste is quite obvious but its a good combi~

Shared Crabcake Pancakes ($14) with Alyson, we were debating between this or the pancake-wrapped hotdog ( snuggle up) but decided this was more unique :)

Well the pancakes are the thickest amongst all, hence the small size, but still manages to retain its fluffiness :) There's nothing very special about the crabcake though, although it tastes good with the pancakes, and i won't order this the next time i come ):

*RANT ALERT*While we were waiting for the food to come, the couple in our neighbouring table left and their pancakes were left half-eaten!! Plus it still looked so tantalising and edible, and the waitress who cleared the table threw all the leftovers into a nearby bin right in front of our eyes.( not blaming her though)  The wasteful attitude of Singaporeans really irks me. If you can't finish it, share/ don't waste your money by buying it lah!! Geesh.

Ok rant finished. Overall Strictly Pancakes is quite worth it and I won't mind visiting it again, just to try out the other interesting flavours. But I think reservations must be made prior for larger groups of people, otherwise good luck queuing up for a table inside~ ( Thanks so much guys for the treat<3<3 :* )

the wall deco of Strictly Pancakes nyehehe

Next up, we went to The Cathay to watch Skyfall!!

Many of my friends had watched it and it has recieved raving reviews so i was quite excited to watch it. Purchased our tickets and thanks to Alyson's ntuc card, we got a discount for 4 tickets ( $9.50 instead of the usual $12) and 4 free portions of popcorn!! Whoohoo~
Funny notebook from Totallyhotstuff, one of the more interesting stores in Cathay
Popcorn!! Really small compared to normal popcorn portions but its free~~
Lynette ordered this whooping huge cup of Fanta grape which she shared with Shihui ( for a whooping $4.90!!!)

Da ticket

THE MOVIE WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!! At 143 min ( 2h23min), i initially thought it would be draggy but it totally isn't!! Action-packed practically every second and though this is the first James Bond movie I've watched, it doesn't matter at all and I was still able to get the plot perfectly well. An awesome exhilarating movie where the plot just fits together perfectly and the underlying themes remain constant throughout the whole movie. I am so in love with it and have nothing but praise for it, great movie choice!! <3 <3 My only complaint is that James Bond looks so old hahaha. But even then its just a comment, not a complaint! His skills and loyalty are commendable~Two thumbs and two toes up!! ^^

Movie ended at about 6+ pm and we went to the steps outside SOTA to cut the cake bought for Lynette and I by the rest :)

Brownie from Polar Puffs and cakes!! 

It may look small but its actually really thick at the sides O:

Birthday gals~


The inside of the cake!! It's really yummy and has walnut bits inside, pity Lynette doesn't like brownie/ nuts ( ikr, what a strange person) but the rest of us enjoyed it all the same :) ( though more than half the cake was left over)

Sigh sigh are they bored or bored ( and they threw the cup away!! ): )

Then finally went home whoohoo where i had some sushi waiting for me ;)
Awesome day spent out and thanks so much guys for planning the suprise!!! <3 Really really appreciate it and I'm glad & honoured to have friends like you :') I'm sorry if I haven't celebrated your birthdays this year but we MUST MUST next year :) :) and I'll get mega nice presents to compensate hehheh

Thanks Shihui for the homemade chocolate+ marshmallows !!! :)

And the mini cutlery set hahaha they're really cute!!!<3
And the pretty box it came with <3

Thanks Jianyi for the cat ring and the card, I'll use it as often as I can!! :)


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