Wednesday 28 November 2012


I'm happy now cos I managed to successfully do 2 recipes which I wanted to do and have recieved positive feedback from my family yaaayy. Life's simple joys haha.

The first is one that I mentioned yesterday, jacket potato with tuna fillings.  I made it for last night's dinner, and luckily I did as my dad initially wanted to order pizza ( he was lazy to cook) but we'll probably be having loads of greasy unhealthy fast food next month so we should be as healthy as possible meanwhile :)

oh and the chinese dessert of the day was red bean soup! Somehow the beans were softer and fluffier than usual ^^

The potato family
Rubbed them with coarse sea salt and poke holes all over em' , then pop em' in the oven to bake at 220C for about 1 hour!

'Gourmet' sea salt used don't play play

Next for the toppings~  used leftover tuna mayonnaise light 

Also used the leftover salad veggies from lunch, chuck em' in a food processor 
Did I mention my 'stand mixer' also comes with a food processor ;) heheheh
Before pulsing^

After processing^ 

Actually wanted to leave it as that but I felt that something was lacking... so I boiled some packet corn!
to add that 'crunch'

After an hour the potatoes were done!

Crinkly crispy skin, you can see that the skin darkened where I poked my fork in before baking :P

Split open the potatoes and dished out the fillings on top

told my dad about my 'poached egg' made in the afternoon that he didn't get to try, so i made for him for dinner! ( he requested for 2 :) )

I accidentally broke the yolk of my first one so only the second one is fit for photography ):

Close up on the fillings!

My family liked it and my dad described it as 'sinfully good'... it isn't sinful at all!! Much healthier in fact ,( and cheaper) compared to pizza >)

Jacket Potato:

1 floury potato per person (e.g. Maris Piper, King Edward, Estima, Desiree)

About 20g coarse sea salt

1. Pre-heat your oven to 220C.

2. When the oven is up to temperature, wash the potatoes well, and prick each in a couple of places with a fork. Allow to dry slightly, while you tip your salt into a shallow bowl. Roll each potato in the salt to give an even coating, and then place on the middle shelf of the oven, preferably directly on the rack.

3. Cook for around an hour, then give them a squeeze – the potato should just give, and the skin should be distinctly crisp. If not, leave them for 10 minutes, and check again – if you overcook them, the insides will be dry, so it's important to be vigilant.

4. Take out of the oven and put whole on to plates: they shouldn't be opened until you're ready to eat, and then preferably by hitting them sharply so they burst, for maximum fluffiness. 

*Recipe from: this site

Fast forward to this morning. I woke up filling pretty grumpy for some strange reason and got even grumpier when I saw there was only wholemeal bread left for breakfast ( cos my family aims to clear up most of the 'stock' at home before leaving for USA). So I was complaining to my mom about the lack of food and she offered to go buy what I needed/ wanted: butter ( we had no more left and without it I can't bake anything!), pumpkin/sweet potato ( had no idea but I craved for either one of them, so i wrote down in the grocery to buy either one but my mom bought both in the end heh<3), and tau kwa aka. firm tofu ( craving for the air-fried version of this as well!) 

I decided to make lunch for 3 of us again today with all the new groceries bought, so pumpkin wholemeal ham-and-cheese pancakes were born! (whew such a long name) Keep pestering my parents to bring my bro to the new branch of Strictly Pancakes at Siglap, which are having a half-price off for all pancake stacks till end of november as #1 they have never tried the pancakes there and #2 siglap is much nearer to my house than prinsep street and #3 HALF.PRICE!!! But at this rate they'll never go so I better make my own version of savory pancakes for them heheh ;)

one bowl with the flours ( wholemeal+self raising), salt and sugar, and the other with oil, egg and milk

And the 'secret' ingredient hoho ^^ ; steamed beforehand

Before mixing everything together I added in a good-sized chunk of pumpkin

This is how my mixture looked like in the end, I thought it was a tad dry so I added in a splash of milk more

I wanted my pancakes to be 'stuffed' with ham and cheese so I cut em' up, but in the end i gave up with the 'stuffing' part and just mixed them all in

These are ugly pancakes! But who cares, its the taste that counts and its all going into my tummy in the end anyways~ Look at the cheese oozing out!

My first pancake! Abit browner than I'll have liked it to be cos I turned the fire on too high... next time must use low heat!

This is me trying to be ambitious and cooking 2 pancakes at once (i know both are ugly haha)

Sorry for the blur picture but I just wanted to show the oozy cheese!!

Done! My stack of pancakes which look horrible but whatever don't judge!!

At least I didn't burn any!

Just wanted to show the gorgeous natural orange colour of the pancakes from the pumpkin! 

Thumbs up!  I wasn't counting on it to be much of a success but it was, and my mom and bro liked it :) The sweetness of the pancakes ( from both the sugar and pumpkin) complemented the saltiness of the ham-and-cheese perfectly. Yummy and filling ( I was VERY full after this, ham and cheese kinda does that to me ;P )

Pumpkin wholemeal ham-and-cheese Pancake: 
(recipe adapted from Nasi Lemak Lover)

120g Self raising flour
30g Wholemeal flour
50g sugar
1/4 tsp salt
130ml milk
3 Slices of ham; cut into smaller pieces
3 Slices of cheese; cut into smaller pieces
50g-100g of pumpkin ( up to personal preferance)

1. Mix flours, sugar and salt in a mixing bowl.
2. Mix egg, milk and corn oil.
3. Add into flour mixture along with ham, cheese, and pumpkin, stir well. Do not overmix.
4. Spoon batter onto a non-stick pan (without oil) to pan fry until golden brown on both sides
.5. Serve hot with maple syrup/ butter ( optional)

Countdown: 5 days to USA. Wish time will go by faster ( ok wait, scratch that)


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