Thursday 15 November 2012

Oreo cupcakes for a birthday

Another busy day today. It's also Lynette's birthday so went to her hse to bake cupcakes to celebrate! (ikr, what a weird situation, going to ppl's hse to bake their birthday cake but I wanted to try baking at her hse with the coolass oven at least once! :) )

Met Miss bday girl at tampines interchange at about 12pm, where we decided to go to Toast Box at Tamp1 as we've been talking about eating there for quite some time :)
It was packed as it was lunch time~

I think its my first time eating at toast box- they have this interesting ordering system where you are given a device as shown and it will light up when your order is ready so you just go to the counter to collect it yourself
All of the 'Asian Delight' set meals come with a tall glass of barley ( cold/hot) Quite diluted though ):

Ordered a mee rebus set ($5), initially wanted to order their speciality, curry chicken, but i just didn't feel like eating rice ( and the layer of oil on the curry looks...highly artery-clogging)
Yum yum look at that thick gravy and fresh-looking eggs! And the cubes of tau kua :)

Well mee rebus being mee rebus, it doesn't vary much so the taste is pretty much the same everywhere. The thick sweet sauce is yummy though and I love the crispiness of the tau kua :)
Lynette ordered the curry chicken set though ($6.50)

Fussy girl didn't want her tau pok so she gave it to me. Some of the curry was soaked up by the very porous tau pok and it tasted good, but wayy too oily for me sigh ): My whole mouth felt so oily after that..
Bday gur gur

Tried looking for a cover for her new itouch later but it was either to expensive or shops didn't sell them, so we waited for a good 30mins for the shuttle bus to arrive ):

Rich girl lives in such a pretty condo!!!

Lynette's very active dog, Marco greeted us at the door, and immediately started sniffing me and barking very loudly. He'll make an excellent guard dog haha.

Finally, started making Oreo Cupcakes!! :) Lynette's house is so well stocked with ingredients and everything a baker would ever need i tell you, it's like baking paradise <3 pity she doesn't bake ):

Set up all the ingredients needed~
Never been so organised in baking in my life but when there are stakes involved ( and Lynette's mom watching my every move) one has to 'act' abit ;)

PART ONE: Making the chocolate cupcake!

Mix the dry ingredients well!

Add the wet ingredients!

Mix like your life depended on it!

It should end up looking something like this :)

Divide the batter into the pretty cupcake cups I brought along :)
Made 15 exactly, just like the recipe said!
Forgot to take a pic of them baking in the cool oven argh dumb me ):

PART 2: Making the frosting~
What you would need ( her snack store is limitless i tell you so i could easily find oreoos~)
Sift me baby one more time~  I had to do a bit of estimation here as the weighing scale got a bit wonky halfway and started counting BACKWARDS.

Mix the butter and sugar till no lumps remain, with hand 
This is quite the jump forward but this is after mixing with a hand mixer at high speed till light and fluffy and adding the crushed oreo bits. ( Note: Be sure to crush the oreo w/o cream VERY finely, if not you'll run into problems which i will elaborate on further later)
Looks kinda like mcflurry eh? The buttery super unhealthy and sweet version.

Load em' up into my new cupcake froster! ( which looks like a gun haha)

By now the cupcakes should have been done and cooled

Luv the paper cases <3

Unfortunately the piping nozzle was too small and the crushed oreo bits too big so it jammed up the whole thing= we couldn't use it properly!! ): ( problem mentioned earlier on)

resorted to the unprofessional caveman method of smearing it on ourselves ):
damn they look ugly

It's supposed to be a T btw

But after a bit of touching up, they don't look so bad eh? :)

Beautiful background<3 Kudos to Lynette's pic-taking skillz

# instagrammified
# mickeymousified White backgrounds are beautiful too<3


White wall shot :)
I realised that there were 15 cupcakes, it's Lynette's 15th birthday, and its the 15th of nov. Cool eh? So i had to take a shot :)

PEACE OUT HOMIES. Sorry for the spam but it's my blog so i can post as many pics as I want. Even if they are pics of ugly oreo cupcakes :/

Oreo Cupcakes ( recipe adapted from here):
225g plain flour
75g cocoa
280g caster sugar
1 tsp bicarb of soda
1/2tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
60ml vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
180ml whole milk
180ml hot water( doesn't neccessarily need to be hot, i used lukewarm and it turned out fine)
15 Oreos

400g Icing Sugar
100g butter {softened}
1tsp vanilla extract
4 tblsp whole milk
6 tblsp Oreo cookie crumbs
Mini Oreo's to decorate

Preheat oven to 180c {350f} gas mark 4. Put your shelf in the middle of the oven. Line two 12 hole bun trays with 15 paper cases. Place one full Oreo cookie in each paper case. ( I forgot to put in an oreo in each case!! but it doesn't need more calories anyway)

In a large bowl, put the flour, cocoa, sugar, bicarb of soda, baking powder and salt. Mix by hand with a whisk until all the dry ingredients are well mixed and are a sandy consistency.

Add the eggs, vegetable oil, vanilla extract, milk and hot water to the dry ingredients and mix together with a hand held electric mixer on high speed until well mixed. The mixture will be a very liquid consistency. Pour the mixture into a jug then pour it into the paper cases until they are three quarters full. 

Pop in the oven for 18-20 minutes. A skewer inserted into the middle of the cupcake will come out clean when they are ready.

Leave to cool in the tray for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

To make the frosting, first whizz the Oreo's in a food processor to make a fine crumb.
Put the softened butter into a large bowl and sift in the icing sugar. Mix together by hand with a whisk until well combined and there are no lumps. Add two tablespoons of the milk and mix with a spatula until combined, add the other 2 tablespoons of milk and now mix with a hand held electric whisk. Whisk for 5 minutes on high speed until the frosting is light and fluffy.
Tip the cookie crumbs into the frosting and fold in with a metal spoon.
Pipe or spread the frosting on top of the cookies and top with mini Oreo's or use a regular sized Oreo cut in half.

Spent the rest of the day watching paranormal activity 4, and Lynette's mom ordered pizza for dinner~

Look at that cheesy fattening goodness!!

Alyson came to 'surprise' Lynette at around 4+ too and it would've been more successful if not for the stairs being locked haha.
sidenote: I got mah chickenpox vaccination!! Means I'll (hopefully) never have to go through the torture of having it in my life!! :))

Ok i'm very tired and there's a long day tomorrow so I'll end here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN LYNETTE, AND ENJOY THE LAST FEW MINS OF UR BDAY<3 XOXO


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