Saturday 24 November 2012

Toad-in-a-hole attempt #1

Despite feeling like crap yesterday ( still feeling like crap now) i dragged myself off the bed in the morning after my parents came back from the market to make breakfast. So i tried making toad-in-the-hole, which also goes by many names such as egg-in-a-basket, bull's eye eggs, one-eyed monsters, cowboy eggs, and possibly the weirdest of the many: Humpty Dumpty's off-the-wall toast ( in case you're wondering how i can remember so many, i didn't; got it off wikipedia ;) )

What you would need :
1) few slices of bread; depending on how many you want to make
2) eggs
3) cookie-cutter/ shotglass

Use the cookie-cutter to cut out a hole in the bread like above ( mine didn't look like a heart-shape though ): )

Put some oil or butter in a frying pan/ Butter the bread on both sides and fry the bread until golden brown, before cracking an egg into the hole in the middle. ( I didn't take photo of this step but my egg somehow just seeped out of the hole and it looked like a mess)

End Product 

Looks nothing like i expected it to look but oh well I'll keep trying so stay tuned for more attempts! The bread tasted good fried this way though, like french toast minus the milk and sugar :)


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