Monday 26 November 2012

Shanghai Pancake

I'm glad to say my chicken pox is getting better! ( i think) I don't feel as itchy as I felt when I first got it, or maybe cos I'm already used to it. Anyway the recipe for today is Shanghai Pancakes! I actually have no idea whether it's from Shanghai, and it isn't really a pancake per say, more like a crepe, but it has red bean fillings which my mom keeps asking me to use up so I made them last night as dessert/supper after dinner :) which by the way was my favourite mee sua:

So colourful I had to snap a pic- look at those vibrant yellows and greens
I'll like to draw you attention to this deliciously spicy yummy air-fried fish otah! Love otah, especially thick juicy ones like this~

I think I'll post pictures of home-cooked meals more often, so that I can keep track of what I eat and cos my family does whip up some yummy dishes occasionally ;) 

Back to the recipe!
What you would need for the crepe ( ignore the cluttered up mess behind the ingredients)

Mix up all the dry ingredients, the add the water and beaten eggs and stir ( make sure there are no lumps and the end product should be quite thin and smooth like ^ )

Then heat up a non-stick frying pan and dump a ladle of that mixture in!

Ugly looking but it was my first attempt! It got much better subsequently ;) Spread it out as thin as possible!

Done with my pancakes/ crepe! Check out the huge amount of red bean and just a teensy bit of lotus paste used for the filling ( I didn't use all the red bean filling though)

Flatten the red bean paste and fold it up with the crepe!
All done :)

Sexy black airfryer my parents bought a few months ago! Really easy to use and much healthier than a regular deep-fryer, no need to use oil at all! :)

After 15min of 'frying'- sizzling and golden-brown crispy goodness

Cut it up into strips~

look at that red bean filling enveloped in a thin crispy crepe!

Great movie snack for the movie we were watching

My family really enjoyed it and we finished everything in one night! Will definitely make this again when I have leftover red bean paste :)

Shanghai Pancakes: (Recipe from this blog )

90g plain flour
30g rice flour (not glutinous rice flour)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon of castor sugar
2 eggs beaten
180ml water
1/4teaspoon salt

2 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds ( didn't have this so i didn't use it )
250g red bean paste

  1.  Mix the dry ingredients together, then add in the eggs and water gradually, making sure the batter is not lumpy. You should obtain a relatively thin mixture.
  2. Heat up a non-stick pan over medium heat and pour about a ladle of batter each time to form the skin. The batter should start bubbling up before you turn it over on the other side. You can sprinkle some sesame seeds at this point and remember not to cook the skin till golden brown, just slightly brown in order to set it would be sufficient, preferably soft so you can seal the red bean paste in. Otherwise, the red bean paste may spill over to the oil when you are frying it and affect the appearance of it somewhat.
  3. Spread sufficient red bean paste on one half of the pancake and fold it into half.
  4. Heat up the pan again with oil covering the base of the pan as you will be shallow frying it over medium heat again. This time, fry it till both sides are golden brown.
  5. 20 minutes before serving, place the pan cakes (sliced or as a whole) on a baking tray at 180 degrees celsius so that it will be crisper and less oily. Serve it warm.
** Last 2 steps for people without airfryers~

P.S really stoked for US in a week's time :)



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