Saturday 3 November 2012

Batu Pahat Malaysia

Yeah yeah I'm crazy for going malaysia like 4 days before chinese O's but honestly, there's not much to study...or is it just me?
Woke up at an ungodly time of about 6am in the morning cos we were going to meet my dad's friend at Kranji, before taking public transport into Malaysia. First time entering Malaysia through an SBS bus! :) Took an extremely long 45-50 min mrt ride all the way from tanah merah to Kranji mrt. Met my dad's friend there and we waited for the 170 bus which was to take us to the woodlands checkpoint. The bus finally came and we went to the checkpoint which was efficient and quite fast, before taking the bus yet again across the causeway into the malaysia checkpoint. Then the bus took us to a bus depot where we got tickets for the 9.30am bus which would take us all the way to Batu Bahat!
It was a 1.5 hour++ bus ride on a comfy bus which i was asleep throughout haha. Firstly when we reached the town my dad's friend went to buy gold for his mum, then we went for an apparently famous chendol dessert in a little unassuming simple shop :)
Yeah its famous

Simple shop manned by Indian men suprisingly, I thought Cendol was a malay dessert

Simple looking Cendol too

Well, despite of all its good reviews, it didn't taste much different from the normal Cendols in Singapore, cos apparently the standard dropped after the original owner stopped working, so it was a watered-down version of what it was supposed to be. Plus, since ours was the simplest version (RM 1=S$0.40++?), there was only the green jelly-like thingy and no red beans etc which I wanted >:(
Then we went for lunch!! Haha dessert before lunch. Supposed to go to a place called 'Ocean' restaurant where my dad's friend ( Let's just call him HK) highly recommended the duck there. BUT! Despite the long walk there it was fully booked cos of a tour bus!!! ARGHHHHH.
Y u fully booked?!!
But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise cos we decided to go to a nearby 'Seaside roasted meat' restaurant located further down the street.
It was quite a big restaurant and there was huge array of various roasted/ non-roasted meats such as charsiew, chicken, sio bak, etc.
My drink! 仙草 :) Perfect for the hot weather! Besides that they also had home brewed passion fruit juice, sugarcane, liangcha which my other family members and HK ordered :)

Yummy chicken rice! Really aromatic and we had a plate each plus my dad ordered 2 more bowls ( men, men )


Yay salted veggies! Went well with the rice and everything :)

Think this is chicken. Soft and yummyy and tasted good with the sauce provided 

Soups!! Top one is watercress and pork and the bottom is one with salted veggies :)
The top one was less salty and tasty than the bottom one, which I obviously preferred

Didn't take pic of the charsiew and tau gua cos I was too busy eating ): But they were good! Especially the charsiew with melt in the mouth fats ( so much so that you couldn't distinguish the meat & fats) and we ordered one more plate of that.  Great meal and extremely worth it ( about RM 60+= S$20+) For a meal for 5?! Food was MUCH better than Singapore, seriously sg is damn overpriced-.-

Next up- SHOPPING!! (for my mom and I) while the guys went to some fishing shop far away. Started shopping about 1.20 and we were to meet them at 3pm :) 
le shopping mall- looks grander and bigger than it is
It was quite a deserted mall with many shops closed and we could count the number of customers with our fingers and toes, probably ): Mostly clothes stores... Bought a few sleeveless tops and pair of shorts from one store, and shoes and a jacket from another and that was pretty much it. Not fun at all and it lacked atmosphere unlike Sg malls ):
Leather jacket! From a shop in the basement level manned by a funny thai guy who couldn't speak english... but he knew a bit of chinese and a lot of malay? Orginally RM29 but bargained down to RM 25 =S$10!!! 

Shoes from the same store :) My mom bought a pair too but it was flats and had a pretty tribal design.. she was having a hard time choosing from the wide variety of designs -.-
(Original RM 25 EACH,bargained to 2 for RM 40= S$10> each? )
It's pretty comfy! Came in red and black too but red didn't have my size and my mom said black looked like 破布 ):

All from the same shop! Top one is a see-through sleeveless top which I've been wanting for a long time :) ( About S$15, forgot the RM) Shorts+ belt about RM 34.90=S$16++? and the bottom one is a figure-hugging tank top with a pretty neckline for RM19.90= S$ 8++ or less?

Haha i suck at conversions ): Happy with the buys though, thanks mom!! :)
The clothing shops were all selling pretty much the same things though so it was pretty boring.
Finally met up with guys and we found out it had been raining outside! Poor guys had been walking in the rain nyehehe.

HK wanted to take us to a quaint riverside chinese village and we walked a distance to find a bus to take us there, unfortunately the service had been closed down so we got a taxi instead :) The really nice taxi man offered to wait for us there to take us back!! So nice :') If not we'll have a hard time coming back. The taxi ride was about 15-20 mins? But i fell asleep haha.
It was going to storm so we had to hurry!! Walked through the town with a few shops, quite a quiet and sleepy lil village, mostly chinese residents.
Cracker made from tapioca (RM 0.80=S$0.30++) for one, drizzled with chili and soy sauce! According to HK it's a popular snack among kids last time but it tasted pretty bland to me:/
Unglam shot of me with the cracker ):

Next up we went to the seaside! Unfortunately it was about to storm so everything looked dark and depressing ):

awkward pose nyehehehe
Some kinda temple place there so i took a pic in a chinese dollar! I'm valuable yo :)


Jetty pic :) should have been more artistic but its #1 blocked and #2 drizzling

It was starting to rain heavily so we took the taxi back to the Cendol store where we got a 2nd bowl each -.- seriously it wasn't that nice I didn't want a 2nd bowl!! Waited at that store for a while before walking to Glutton's Market where we were to have our early dinner and sample some of the delicacies offered ( recommended by HK, who was born there~) 
Oldest building in town, according to HK --> appears in all the ancient photos! However it's out of use now, people only use it to breed sparrows for bird's nest :/

Rainy drearr daaay~ Zoooom goes the motorbike!

Back to the food! First course of many- otah :) Served piping hot, it's spicy but really soft~
The POWER of advertisement! My dad got taken in so...

He ordered one each!!! ( RM2.50 each=S$ 1.20++)

how not to be taken in huh??

The roselle one~ With bits at the bottom you can eat with a spoon! Taste like preserved fruit haha

Sea Bird's nest drink! Sourish taste but its pleasant and refreshing AND there are jelly bits at the bottom omnomnom
-Inserts chicken wing picture which i forgot to take-
Yummy with tender meat and thin skin! :)

One of the highlights!! Carrot cake!!! (RM 6 per plate= S$ 2++)
HUGE heaping plate. We ordered 2 to share among 5 and we couldn't finish! It was served piping hot and the egg was amazing and the 'cake' itself was just the right texture, not too soft nor hard... Spicy to boot!! YUM YUM YUM!! And there was sotong inside omg soooo worth it.

Kudos to my food-o-taking skills (geddit)

SATAYYYY!! ordered 20 sticks, 10 pork 10 chicken

Hot and slathered with peanut gravy, this was amazing and melt in your mouth!! Yum yum yum

Meet my new friend Moo :) 

Moo likes leftover carrot cake

I'm watching you, I'm watching you...

My dad said this pic is creepy haha, Moo is so photogenic!! :)
 Next we 'migrated' to the other side of the market ( which was quite empty due to the rain) but i bet it can get packed on sunny days, to try the highly recommended PEPPER NOODLES :)

HK insisted that the portion per person was quite small so wanted to order five but we were quite full so in the end we ordered...4. :/

Close up shot  :)

Oh yeah starting to like these kinds of food shots :)
Looks big but it REALLY ISN'T. Like the portion of noodles is smaller than the size of my palm? Comes with a small bowl of fishball soup :)

Verdict: It tastes like chewy noodles with maggi-mee seasoning! I mean, it probably isn't but thats what it tastes like :) The peppery sauce is at the bottom so you need to mix-em up! Well its quite nice but I don't get the hype-.-

HK still wanted to order oulua!! ( oyster omelette) but my parents said no haha cos we were FULL. ( Truth to be told I wasn't THAT full and probably could have chowed down a few mouthfuls of oulua but ah wells... 70% full is good for the body :) )

Stayed at the place for a while to 避雨  but i got restless so we went to walk about the rainy wet area of the town near the bus depot, where we were to catch the 7.30 pm bus back.
Fell asleep the whole way on the bus and I was FMAO (FREEZING MY ASS OFF) seriously, the aircon was like full-blast and it didn't help that it was raining outside );
Reached the bus depot at about 10.15... took bus back to sg blah blah before cabbing back home. Reached home about 11+ and slept about 12. Fun day!!! Malaysia is a cool place *thumbs up*

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