Tuesday 27 November 2012

Move over, Coffee Bean...

Whaddup!! I've been bored to death at home, especially after I've finished my hols homework ( still have a few bio questions I'm unsure about and thus left blank, as well as some qns for other subs I'm don't know how to do,  but whatever I'll deal with em' at a later date ; ie. the day before school reopens :P) Been feeling guilty for doing nothing but lazing about looking through blogs with my laptop/ phone but then I reminded myself I had BETTER enjoy this last month's or so or freedom, cos next year's gonna be a mad crazy stress-filled work-crammed one that I'm definitely not looking forward to ): Then my guilty feeling just flies right out of the window heheh~

Anyway, yesterday my mom made barley with gingko nuts dessert ( she's been making these cooling chinese desserts almost everyday now, yippee! )
Used to hate gingko nuts but now I think they ain't so bad! Plus they've got brain-boosting properties so I'm not complaining ;)

Dinner last night! What a medley of colours eh? Some broadbean stew that my dad made using the smaller pressure cooker and it's AWESOME! It was especially tasty cos we had dinner rather late last night, at about 7.45pm ( for my family's standards as we usually have dinner at 6+) so I was hungry and all food will taste good. But this was really nice :)

Close-up! That slab of meat is pork that was made super tender by the pressure cooker :)

Aaaand today, I prepared lunch for my mom, bro and myself ( as my dad still has to work during school hols boohoo)! My mom and bro went out to buy the ingredients as well as to eat prata in the morning while I stayed at home and..looked through more blogs :P


Guessed what I'm making yet? Well obviously just a plain ole hearty wholemeal ham-and-cheese sandwich! But crammed full of veggies and with a poached egg that I wanted to try making at the side ;)

All this came in a ready-made box, for lazy people who don't wanna buy the ingredients individually and want to whip up a quick salad

Chop em' up!!

Time to assemble the sandwich!

Then I tried making poached eggs for the first time! It wasn't hard but I wasn't very successful either ): Well plenty more chances to try! :)

First attempt: the egg yolk was covered with just a thin film of egg white, not like a proper poached egg yet

Second attempt: Even worse than the first! The egg yolk was even more exposed ):

Third attempt: The best! :) ALMOST a proper poached egg, hopefully the 4th, 5th blah blah subsquent attempts will be perfect :)

Warning: Picture Spam ahead

Added a dash of salt & pepper atop the egg and a bit of tuna to eat with the mini-salad at the side

Also came up with the (brilliant, if I might say so myself haha) idea of cutting the sandwich into halves like those posh cafes so that it'll be easier to pick up and eat as well

 Yum yum

Big bite! When my mom first saw the presentation on her plate she was quite pleasantly surprised yay

And of course, the true test: A poached egg MUST have a flowy egg yolk!! Let the picture ^ speak for itself ;)

My mom's egg yolk ( gave her the most 'successful' poached egg of the lot) practically exploded when she cut it and I just had to take a pic of it wheehee

Satisfying and strangely filling lunch, with the apple crumble muffins I baked before as dessert after :) Much cheaper and heartier than any sandwich meal you can get outside too *cough* coffee *cough* bean nyehehe

Tonight I'm gonna make jacket potato with tuna filling for dinner hope it's successful~

P.S 6 days to USA. STOKED :)

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