Friday 23 November 2012

Apple Bread Pudding

Update on my day before I blog about the Apple Bread Pudding i just made today:

one word pretty much sums it all up-HORRIBLE. My chicken pox is worse than ever and I have them all over my upper body, a few on my face and arms and in some of the weirdest places ever, like the skin on the back of my mouth, which makes me feel perpetually uncomfortable as it feels like food is stuck there but actually its the damn pox >:( Plus I absolutely cannot stand lazing around doing nothing, so the hours seem to tick by like years... I really need a hobby that wouldn't make me grow fat. ( esp since i can't train now arghhh!!!)


So back to the pudding. As there is still stale leftover homemade wholemeal bread left in the fridge and  some slices from the one baked yesterday, I decided to make bread pudding as we have a surplus of apples as well. Plus it is pretty simple to make and perfect for a sick person bored out of her wits ):

What you would need for the first part: 
1) approximately 2 slices of bread; diced
2) 1 apple; peeled, cored, and diced
3) 5g of butter
4) 1 tbsp of sugar
5) whatever dried fruits you prefer ( I used apricot)

#1: Cook the diced apple with the butter under low heat. Add in the sugar and cook for awhile.

#2: Put the apples, bread, raisins into the ramekins. Set aside. ( i just used a loaf pan)
Next to prepare the egg mixture:
1) 20g of sugar
2) 200ml milk
3) 2 eggs
4) 40g whipping cream ( didn't have this so i omitted it and added more milk instead)

#3: 3. Prepare the egg mixture. Beat the eggs, milk & whipping cream until well combined. Add in the sugar and mix until the sugar had dissolved.

#4. Pour the egg mixture into the ramekins and baked at 190C for about 35-40mins. ( baked mine at 180C in a small loaf pan)

** Make sure to press the bread into the milk mixture so that the bread pieces are all soaked in the mixture.

Before baking~
After baking~ I think there wasn't enough milk mixture or something cos the pieces of bread on top are still rather dry

Fancy a bite? It's not very sweet :)
Recipe adapted from: mimibakeryhouse


Remember how i said i was going to do toad-in-the-hole? Well I haven't done it and will probably do it for breakfast tmro as the homemade bread is too crumbly to make it ): In fact, i think i'll be baking much more as there really isn't anything better to do~

Anyway, I admit that I'm a very pessimistic person esp when I'm in a bad mood--> Such as now, when I've got the bloody annoying pox and it really annoys my family members sometimes. So I guess I'll try to change and be a more optimistic person, though i foresee it will be extremely hard as a leopard never changes its spots.


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