Thursday 5 December 2013

Taiwan Day 1

Decided to come to back to revive my dead blog!!! Not that anyone would actually read it but I'll just write it for my own memory's sake :)
Anyway! We woke up bright and early and left home at 7+ am to go to the airport (T1). After checking in we proceeded to have breakfast (I was a starvin marvin) at the staff canteen!!
Kaya toast, egg, and horlicks
After we were adequately stuffed, we checked in and waited for our flight which was to be at 10 25 am
Wore my fox jacket for the first time hahaha
Anyway pretty soon we were on board!! I slept a bit, watched half of Meet the Millers, watched a full despicable me 2, and part of kickass :)
Plane food: fish and rice ( I regretted it- fish was rather dry), fruits, spicy noodle salad and pretty bomb eclair
4hr50 mins later, we reached our destination!! After the usual passport checks etc, we took a high rail bus to the railway station followed by a bullet train to Taipei main station :)
Papaya soya milk- awesome
Original- not as awesome but still great 
We checked into our hotel- Cosmos hotel which was just a stone's throw away from the railway station.
After settling down in the well furnished hotel room; 
We got ready and left again!!
We took the Mrt to xinmen(ding) which took only a few mins 

So bright and Christmassy
The real purpose of our visit, however, was to eat the world famous AH CHUNG MEE SUAAAAA!!! Heheh I was quite hungry by then so I was really excited 
The queue seemed long but the service was instant
Finally <3 the bowl is quite small, quite sufficient for one person :) there was a station where one could add chilli, garlic and vinegar sauce to the piping bowl of noodles to one's desire! 
How was the noodles? Well it was warm and delicious, but not mindblowingly so.
After that it was time for a spot of bubble teaaaa!!
First bubble tea in a long time :) also had a wintermelon lemon tea (omg and I just realised 'melon' and 'lemon' consist of the same letters????) which was also wonderfully refreshing 
猪血糕!!! Or pig's blood cake. Cubes of pigs blood mixed with glutinous rice to form a savoury yummy 'cake' reminiscent of zongzi :) I liked this but it wasn't the traditional one which I'm hoping to try in the days to come!!
Genius guy doing painting using spray cans 
Next we boarded the train again and headed to Long Shan Temple station, where the long Shan night market was located!!
Heheh isn't the entrance so grand... First night market visit!!!

CORN CORN CORN. And some bull's horn shaped thingy that tasted like steamed nuts.
Fried taro balls. Balls of fluffy light chewy delight :)
Guava and huge cherry tomatoes stuffed with plum. YUM.
Fried chicken!!!
Dad ordered chicken's butt and fried chicken which didn't taste too fried!
BBQ corn :)
It was....ok.
Something called 'exploding cake'?? I was anticipating a real explosion of flavours in my mouth but nahh....
It's just an egg.
Yum yum aiyu jelly!!! Even after all the feasting I still wanted mochi.... So we found some in a shop on an ulu lane!
These are different from the ones in Singapore: firstly they're not cut up and secondly they were boiled instead of steamed so they were soft and hot.
Also some hot taro ball bowl with a tau suan like topping and taro balls and red beans. Heheh I'm gonna eat this everyday if I can :)
View of the night market 
After that we were well and truly stuffed( there's some food I didn't take) so we decided to head back.
Breads galore @ the Mrt station 
Dad also bought some mixture of appetizing spicy stuff like squids and fish skin and chicken skin that was really nice :)
Ok I'm really stuffed but I still ate the remainder of the bull's horns and stuff hahhaa I think I'm gonna put on quite a few pounds here!!! But yolo so ;) tata!!! Looking forward to tomorrow~

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