Tuesday 23 October 2012

Chocolate cupcakes

Second post! Cos i have nothing to blog about i'll blog about the cupcakes i made on sunday. they were so time consuming, took just about my whole morning and I was sick ): got the recipe from joyofbaking.com, their recipes are quite reliable :) everything was fine just that the cupcakes took so long to bake ( 16min/batch of 6) and I made like 27? And the frosting. OMG used up more butter than the cake itself and it was so messy. Initially wanted to pipe it on the cupcake like those professional bakeries but in the end I gave up and squirted it all over messily. Then as if it wasn't already fattening enough I crushed Oreos (minus the disgusting cream) and sprinkled them on top cos I had lots left over. There there concludes my Sunday morning :)

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