Friday 26 October 2012

Universal Studios Singapore

Whew back from a long exhausting but fun day from Universal Studios Singapore!!! But I shall persist and write this blog while the memories are still fresh in my mind :) So much to blog about, so this is going to be an EXTREMELY long post. ( Viewer Advise: If you are allergic to  words, or are planning to go to USS anytime soon, please skip the contents of this blog and just scroll through the pictures) I guess I'm gonna go in chronological order from the morning till night on what we did and if possible, every single attraction and rate them!! * Composes self*

Soo in the morning my family and I( Mom, Dad and bro) met Lynette at my house, where we went to a noodle store near my house for breakfast. Following that we took the car to Resorts World Sentosa, where we spent some time driving around lost before finally finding the underground carpark which was mega HUGE and posh. USS starts at 10am and as we arrived at 9 we thought we would have plenty of time to find carpark space etc as no one would start queuing so early. WRONG. When we took the escalator up from the carpark we were amazed to see so many people already waiting outside the gates/ buying tickets!!! Most looked like they were tourists, from tour groups etc. So we were mentally preparing ourselves to face crowds of people and perheaps not be able to complete all the rides ):

<-- Shot taken by my mom. We were standing there forever smiling as she wanted to wait for the universal word to move over

<-- So sad can't go HHN so this shall compensate slightly )):

When the gates opened slighly before 10, we rushed in like kiasu aunties and guess what, we were first in line for our turnstile!! Po the kungfu panda came out to entertain the eager crowd hehehe

So obviously, when USS officially opened for the day, we were one of the first to get in!!! Quickly grabbed a map and walked briskly to the scarier/ fun-er rides, until we saw people starting to run and the competitive spirit in us took over and we started to CHIONG AH!!! omg it was super funny, kinda like a race. In the end we turned out to be one of the first in the 1st attraction that we went that happened to be.... BATTLE GALACTIA: HUMAN!! (initially wanted to go to the cyclone one first but it was closed ): )
(not my picture)

IT WAS AMAZING! and actually we thought we would have to wait for more people to queue up to fill up the coaster but no, only us ( Lynette, bro and I)--> We split up from my parents and 2-3 people were allowed to go on the first human coaster ride of the day!!! The drop was pretty scary, and I kept my eyes tightly shut throughout but nevertheless we screamed so much until we got high and it morphed into laughter towards the end. (4/5)

Next we decided to go to the nearby Revenge of the Mummy located nearby and being high we totally followed a few angmos and ran all the way there again, and ended up being the first on the ride ( along with the same people) again!!!

It was a dark & damp indoor roller coaster ride which wasn't as thrilling as the previous one but it made up for it with the awesome sound and visual effects which freaked me out quite a lot, and it really resembled the movie itself!! Thumbs up for this one :)) (4/5)

Next up, we semi-ran to the Transformers The Ride: Ultimate 3D battle which was nearby as well! This was one my bro was really looking forward to as he's a fan of the movies :) It was also the first attraction we had to queue up for but only for a short while as the queue was quite efficient.

Left-hand pic is how our 'ride' looked like-cool eh!! :) At first I didn't know what to think about this ride as Lynette had never tried it, and I thought it would be like a stationary 4D kinda thing but the car actually moved!! It spun around from scene to scene ( 4D) and in each scene, either the autobots/ decepticons seemed to be trying to rip up the car!! The visual effects are uh-mazingg and totally believable and people in our ride were actually screaming! Of course I didn't but I still felt rather dizzy after awhile :/ Thumbs up again!! (3.5/5)

Next up, we went to Jurassic Park!! Lynette said the water ride was fun but according to her experience she had to wait about 1hr+ to get in, plus my mom recommended doing the water ride last in case we could soaked. So we decided to go to the Canopy Flyer first ( something that my cousin recommended).

The queue was suprisingly short and as there were two seats back-to-back ( 4 altogether), being the childish kids we were we decided to scissors-paper-stone to decide who got to sit in front. My bro lost so he sat alone @ the back hehehe ;P
BORINGGGG. Totally no thrill and I have no idea what my cousin found fun about it. Good for sight-seeing and heights but not for anything else ): (2/5)

After that we debated on whether to go for the water ride( Jurassic Park Rapid's Adventure) while the waiting time was still reasonable (15min), at the risk of being wet, but in the end we decided to GO FOR IT. Great decision, as the queue was really short and we were able to get onto the ride really quickly. ( We were warned that we would get at best wet and at worst soaked, so ponchos were sold for $3 but being thrifty kids we didn't get it hehehe)

The first part of the ride ( which was totally water-based) was slow and we were constantly spun around our boat-like thingy. Passed by many dinosaurs but they didn't look that real so it was fine :) Then it got faster subsequently as the rapids got faster and we went into this dark building for quite a while, and it ended when our boat was pulled up a lift-like device and released down a gentle slope, which resulted in a BIG SPLASH!! Of course, whether you got splashed or not depended on your luck and how the thingy landed, and suffice to say, the 3 of us got quite wet ):
Fortunately it was quite a hot day and we dried off pretty fast (Y)

<-- Cutest drying pods for people who are too rich/ super-soaked ( $5/pod)

Next, off to the nearby Far Far Away~!! Really looked forward to this one as the castle looks so cool and Shrek is a pretty awesome childhood movie :)

<-- It's my kingdom, homies!!

 <--le granduer

First off we went to the Shrek 4-D adventure!! We were ushered into a room where we were introduced to the story plot by the man in the mirror which was actually really cool  with the effects and all :)

 Then we went into a huge-ass theatre where we watched the movie!! It was really fun and was a totally fresh plot with effects such as feeling cold water on your face when donkey sneezed and tickling sensations on your ankles when spiders appeared which added to the coolness. And the chairs moved!! Good way to cool off from the weather outside too :) (4/5)

Went to the Enchanted Airways ride which was the most childish ride so far, where we sat on a dragon roller coaster. It was fast but didn't have any scary drops etc so it's great for kiddos but unfortunately not for adventure-seeking teenagers like ourselves :) (3/5)

Next, headed to the adjacent Madagascarrrrrr!!! What a change of scenery, from royalty and castles to jungles and crates ;) Queued up for Madagascar: A Crate Adventure which was pretty much the only cool attraction there :)

It was a slow, smooooth water ride which had really cool re-enactments of the madagascar movie scenes inside!! Plus the 'crate' we were on was so prettily decorated :))  ( 3.5/5)

As it was nearing lunchtime, we decided to look around for food but everything was so damn expensive ( even MINERAL water costs $2.50--> Like hullo, only people in the dessert would spend that much $$ on water -.- )

But in the end, ended up at the Hollywood place near the entrance where we settled on Mel's drive-in, which SEEMED like an affordable typical fast food place. Well, we were sadly wrong ):

<-- Outside

Ordered a classic meal ( for $12 freaking dollars!!!! DAYLIGHT ROBBERY I TELL YOU) which consisted of a burger ( fish) with fries and coke which I shared with my bro cos I cheaply refused to buy anymore. Lynette ordered a kid's meal which came with a bucket and spade HAHA and the fries and burger were the same as normal except there were no veg in the burger and the coke cup was pathetically miniscule.                            

Honestly the only thing i found USS-ish/ unique about the meal was the cup. Notice how I meticulously divided the pathetic burger into 2 :) The fries were quite good too, which was kinda the only thing that set the meal apart from Mac's fillet-o-fish ( in fact Mac's burger is better-.- )
SUCK MONEY ONLY ARGH. Only complaint of the day.

Outside the drive-in was an array of retro cars which my bro had fun taking pics of :)

And which Lynette the potential Vegas girl/ Singtel grid girl/ Model had fun posing on ;)

Oh oh and before that we were looking through the shops in hollywood street and got a pic with POOOOOO THE PANDAAAA! :))
<-- Beware!! This panda has mad kung-fu skills

Then we went to watch the Monster Rock show which was on at 1.30 pm!! Totally didn't know what to expect apart from the fact that it was a musical 0.0
It was basically AWWWWESOOMMEEE!!! The singers cum dancers were so professional and so into their roles and the songs that they sang were also pretty recent and hip. Total respect and awe for them!!!! *claps claps* ( 4.5/5)
As we had completed almost all the rides, we decided to re-visit the ole places and take more pics and do more leisurely stuff this time :)

First up, FAR FAR AWAY!!! (again)

We decided to watch the Donkey Live performance @ 3pm :)

Initially had no inkling of what this was gonna be about, we were again ushered into a room where we were introduced to the show by a funny guy (Raoul) before entering a room with benches. We Kiasu singaporeans immediately snagged the benches right in front of the stage. To my disappointment, Donkey didn't really appear and was just an on-screen animation. But the things that he said were so donkey-ish and realistic!!! 

And poor Lynette got picked to talk to Donkey, who actually replied HAHAHAHA joke of the day :))

Fun show overall, definitely exceeds expectations :)) (3.5/5)

Then went to catch the final perfomance of the day, WaterWorld at Lost World @4pm :)

Wonderfullll!!!! ( Really running out of adjectives here ;) ) The entertainment segment before the actual performance was so funny and really entertaining and the 'crew' were so amazing and cool and it was just a blast :') Then the show started and there were guns and water and bombs and toxic waste and BOMBASTICISM and it played out just like a movie in front of our eyes!!! Convincing and awesome and totally worth watching (4.5/5)--> There were splash zones and soak zones and though we sat in splash zone but we didn't get the least bit wet hahaha.

Met up with my parents who went to watch the Monster Live show @ 4.30 pm and my mom, Lynette and I went to the Battle Galactica: CYCLONE which differed from the HUMAN one as it was suspended roller coaster where your feet were left dangling and there were upside downs. It was the longest we had to queue for a ride the whole day, about 20-25 mins!! And we were really scared throughout as it seemed really scary.

Duelling HUMAN and CYCLONE roller coasters!!! Again I kept my eyes shut throughout and my mom chided me for being a wimp HAHAHA but it was only scary at the drop and just pure fun later on, and the whole ride was over quick as a whip :)) We were so high after we were done as we were just plain glad it was over and we had managed to accomplish ALL THE RIDES IN USS SINGAPORE FYEAHHHHH :))) (4/5)

We finally left USS Singapore after a looong day ( We stayed throughout the whole opening hour, 10am-6pm) and it was well worth the money and just plain fulfilling and awesome and exceeded my expectations :') To top it all off, we ended the day with dinner at Changi Point at a coast-side restaurant where we had Mocktails ( cocktails for kids muahaha) and shared pizza and carbonara :)
Pussy Boot on the left, Shirley Temple on the right :)
A beautiful sunset to end off a beautiful day :')

P.S Dear Reader, sorry for the eye damage i may have caused you through this lengthy post. Thank God for the awesome weather <3 ( Actually have many more pics but too sleepy to post now, shall post at a later date if i rmb )

Wednesday 24 October 2012

PS: Rainbow cakes

Totally unnecessary post but I forgot to mention that rainbow cakes are so awesome!! ( could've added this in as a side note to the previous post but rainbow cakes are so cool they deserve a post of their own) since my bday is coming up, I really wanna make my own bday cake which is hopefully a rainbow cake!!! ( though 1) it's extremely time consuming 2) the colourings ain't good for the body ): ) but who cares not like I'm planning to polish off the whole cake right!! (Though I just might if its yummy heheh whoops sidetracking here) wish my bday wasn't so near chi o's sobs... Anyway some pretty pictures of rainbow cakes down below (I admit I'm doing this out of pure boredom )): )

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Chocolate cupcakes

Second post! Cos i have nothing to blog about i'll blog about the cupcakes i made on sunday. they were so time consuming, took just about my whole morning and I was sick ): got the recipe from, their recipes are quite reliable :) everything was fine just that the cupcakes took so long to bake ( 16min/batch of 6) and I made like 27? And the frosting. OMG used up more butter than the cake itself and it was so messy. Initially wanted to pipe it on the cupcake like those professional bakeries but in the end I gave up and squirted it all over messily. Then as if it wasn't already fattening enough I crushed Oreos (minus the disgusting cream) and sprinkled them on top cos I had lots left over. There there concludes my Sunday morning :)