Friday 14 June 2013

Bangkok Pratunam: Day 4

Yup as usual I had typed out a long luvly blogpost just to have blogger wipe it off the face of this earth after I forgot to save it on my phone. Well shit happens :)
Anyway just a brief post about day 4//aka last day in Bangkok ):
Waffles, pink noodle, stir-fried veggies with pork, sunny side up, cherry tomato
Woke up and waited for the folks to do some packing before heading down for the /last/ breakfast at the lovely glow hotel :'( 
The pink noodles tasted really yum! It had a slightly sweet aftertaste that paired well with the more salty veggies. The food at glow hotel is commendable, although  there isn't too huge a spread, but the food that they DO offer are wonderful and the awesome service by the staff doesn't hurt either :)
Pork porridge
Loved the condiments on this one! It has and distinct flavour that is unique to the thai cuisine and the porridge is oh-so-smooth and creamy!
And the usual mixed fruit platter. Thai fruits are really too good to pass.
Following that we rested at the hotel till about 12+pm when we were graciously chased out of the hotel room as it was the checking out time! 
Last shot of Bangkok from the hotel room
We left our luggages at the hotel lobby before heading out for lunch! We decided to have street food as our final lunch here; at the place we went to the day before. Thankfully most of the stalls were still there!
Be not fooled by the appearance of this heavenly morsels of delight; these aren't fishballs, but tapioca balls sweetened by coconut and creamy corn bits. 
We finally caved and got the fried chicken! And oh we were so glad we did. These tasted way better than anything KFC could offer, at a much cheaper price too! The chicken was so tender and juicy and the fried skin was flavourful and crispy. thumbs up!
We also bought many of the same food we got before //ie. thai tea, grilled coconut pancakes...// which I shall not elaborate on heheh.
Then we walked around the mall and made our way to the top floor, where there was Made in Candy store! Even though I've seen the candy making process a few times in Singapore, but I've never watched it from start to end as I did here! It was so fascinating to watch the two staff working in tandem with nary a word to one another.
One shaping the candy, the other pulling it.
One pulling,
One cutting
Both cutting at bullet speed!
We stayed there for a good half hour, before heading to platinum mall food court for lunch #2 ;)
Mango glutinous rice
Pad Thai!
And these cute little desserts //sweet mung bean paste encased in jelly//
Then we went back to the hotel, grabbed our luggages and headed to the airport!
As we had plenty of time to kill we decided to go to Black Canyon, a cafe there.
Mom wanted gelato but she chose a lime and wild berry sorbet instead! A happy mistake cos these were refreshing and really good :)
More pad thai cos this dish apparently won the best phad thai in Thailand award! Errr....the sauce tasted like ketchup so I don't really know how they managed to win! :/ 
After this we spent a long time leisurely walking to our gate (the airport is HUGE) and many funny things ensued, such as us stealing tons of free samples from the generous airport stores selling food haha
Plane food! Chicken noodles,warm crusty bread roll, some cold cut salad and glutinous rice in coconut milk as dessert. 
I regret to say I ate it all haha even after all that eating today! Sigh really gotta learn some moderation ): 
Anyway it has been a great trip with wonderful people! Really enjoyed myself and the short break from reality was very welcome indeed :)

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Bangkok Pratunam: Day 3

 Woke up early again today to go to Pratunam market with the mom while the males stayed in the hotel! 
Managed to get some pretty good deals, 3 bags handmade by the shopowner herself for 150 baht ALTOGETHER! (That's less than S$5)
I was carrying these bags happily down the streets and my mom pointed out that it looked like I had 2 butts! 
Returned to the hotel for breakfast :)

Food o' glorious food! 
Oh and some cake  that we bought previously// tastes like pandan chiffon cake!!!
After breakfast we decided to walk to Central Mall again, and found that there was a mini market going on with many food stalls lines up along the streets! So we attacked >:)
Fried sweet potato balls// l
Some 'savoury mochi' as my mom termed these chewy balls of delight; and I honestly can't think of anything else to name them. These were filled with something sweet (which I couldn't identify, coconut? Prawn paste?) that contrasted nicely with the QQ nature of these balls. Thumbs up!! :)
CORN GLORIOUS CORN! We bought a completely red one to try; tasted really sweet compared to the one with just a few coloured corn. I LOVE THIS OMNNOM.
I'd been wanting to try the thai tea; so dad bought a cup to try. Omg this was so sweet without being unbearable,
PERFECT sugar rush. It was so good that we got another cup after this one.

And what's this?? Well we didn't know, so dad bought some to try. 

HOLYSMOKES. Anyone who's planning a trip to Bangkok should totally try this if they are able to. Served piping hot, these quail-egg sized balls had paper thin crispy skin; and when you pop them ((whole)) in your mouth it would just explode  into pure joy and rainbows and unicorns and all things good in your mouth. //I think the filling is a rich creamy sweet coconut custard with bits of corn//  we also had two boxes of this :X
Minute fingerling sweet potatoes!! //in purple and yellow// So much sweeter than those in Singapore :)
Haha I don't think dad meant to appear this picture hence the face! But we were wondering what was so special about meat skewers in Thailand that had almost every alternate street food stall selling them; so of course we had to try some! I have no idea what special marinade these people use but it was HEAVENLY especially with the tender meat. LOVE.
With happy full bellies, we decided to visit Madam Tussards, the world-famous wax museum located in Siam discovery centre nearby. 
//plenty of photos were taken with many celebrities and famous figures in history but I shall be selective and showcase only a few heheh//
How often does one get to take a selfie with the princess of Wales? Diana is so pretty!
I think Lee Hsien Loong looks real happy to be taking a picture with me ;)
Who's the new queen??? :)
Oh it's nothin', I hang out with mr and mrs Obama every other day ya know 
And I jam with Beyonce by night 
Johnny Dep is mah man

Having an animated conversation with Oprah :)
And Jackie Chan's a family friend. 
Had a lot of fun at the museum and it's so interesting to see famous people up close in actual proportion!! Definitely one of the highlights of this trip.
After all this we were hungry, so we made our way to the huge food centre at the basement of Siam centre!
Delicious flavourful fresh beef stew. I loved the soup which was slightly sweet.
Today was supposed to be our 'authentic thai' day so phad thai is a must! Can you believe this was our first phad thai on this trip?! Though not the cheapest; this rendition was certainly satisfactory.
And Tom yum soup which was spammed with lemongrass.
After this we exited the mall for... MORE STREET FOOD! street food FOR THE WIN. 
This bowl of refreshing grass jelly with ingredients like gingko, dates, nata de coco and lots of natural brown sugar was less than S$1!!! Gahhh why is thai street food so cheap and darn guuuuud.
Then the guys went back to the hotel //poor guys eh// while mom and I headed to platinum mall for more shopping. Pretty productive shopping, I might add- bought everything I needed :)
After we headed back to the hotel, we rested for a few hours. It rained quite heavily but that didn't deter us from getting our dinner in some way or another! 
Found a seafood restaurant opposite our hotel which was a welcome shelter from the rain so we decide to try out.
Iced tea :)
Tom yam!!! 
Salt-grilled fish// basically BBQ fish smeared all over with plenty of sea salt.// this fish was quite tender and huge yum!
Fried rice with chicken chunks! Meagrely portion for about S$3 -_-

Le spreadddd!
Quite expensive for the little we ordered ): 
Headed back to the hotel and went to the gym again with the family!!! :)
Check out the hotel gym- nice right?! With windows that overlook the busy street so one can watch people shop while working out haha

Ok that's all heheh byeees! Quite sad that tomorrow is the last day and well have to leave this place and get back to reality ):

Monday 10 June 2013

Bangkok Pratunam: Day 2

Woke up early in the morning for breakfast at the hotel lobby- courtesy of glow hotel ;)
Baked beans, sunny side up, pineapple jam on toast and grilled cherry tomatoes. Apple juice at the side //round 1
Fresh seasonal fruit- really juicy and sweet and plain yoghurt //round 3 (round 2 was a salad but no one likes looking at pictures of veggies right)
Following this we went for a walk at the adjacent Pratunam market until it closed (strange opening hours: 4am-9am- like who would wake up at the crack of dawn to shop for clothes?!)
Custard apple bought from a street fruit stall//darn good
Snapshot of mom and dad holding hands strolling down the streets of Bangkok; heheh. (Edited) 
Following that we went back to the hotel and dad and the bro decided to rest while mom and I went shopping :)
Dragon Beard Candy: DIY! Wrap your own candy floss in the popiah skin; bought from a street stall //20 baht
Then at about noon we took a taxi to Chinatown, where I had read online about a good dim sum restaurant. The traffic was horrific, makes me glad I don't live here haha. 
Finally after a long walk, we managed to find the restaurant- Canton House!!!

Oh joyyyyyy
Drinks that we bought: (from left to right)// lemon grass, tamarind, and 2 identical glasses of chlorophyll juice (which is basically wheatgrass and does not magically make people photosynthesize or anything amazing like that ): )
Pretty good kway teow//
About 1/2 of the spread! We ordered practically everything (except fried food hoho) from the rather limited menu (in the sense that they didn't have common dim sum delicacies such as egg tart and xiaolongbao). It was really cheap, about 20baht per long (~<$1) and we ordered like 17 altogether! 
Steamed custard bao// not to be confused with liushabao, this is made with pure custard and isn't meant to flow . This was soooo good eaten when warm , I think I've fallen in love guys ;)
Black sesame bao// the sister of the custard bao! Not as amazing but still pretty yummy.
This was well worth the money and though there weren't much choices, the food was fresh and served steaming hot :)
Chinatown had a few shops selling bird's nest so dad decided to let us try the well-known expensive delicacy!
It was really good! The bird's nest bits taste like jelly. However I don't think I'll be willing to pay such money (the price for 2 bowls was about 5/6 of our dim sum meal O: ) for something that won't be make me magically grow boobs or thick shiny hair or things like that.
We took a tuk tuk to Siam mall from there and walked around for a while..
Following that, we walked back to our hotel and decided to buy crepes that we've been wanting to try from a street stall nearby. And oh boy I'm so glad we did....
BECAUSE THESE CREPES ARE FREAKIN' AWESOME. Look at the spreads and fillings available! Customers are allowed to customise their own crepe  fillings, ranging from pork floss, crabmeat etc to more common ones like Nutella, peanut butter and various fruit jams.
Our selected combination 1// Pork floss with raisin, drizzled with mayo and chilli sauce. Fantastic combo; don't judge.
Served steaming hot with the edges still crispy.
Quite a sizeable portion!!
Our second combo was more of a sweet one// pineapple jam with banana and cashew nuts. Again, don't wrinkle your nose in disgust cos this was the bomb. The crunchy cashews were a nice contrast to the otherwise too-sweet nature of this combination.

Give me a crepe a day and I'll be happy for the rest of my life :)

Pardon this gross shot; but this is just to illustrate how thick the fillings in the crepe are!! This was taken in the hotel room when we were more than halfway done eating it.
After resting in the hotel room and doing more afternoon snacking, we were off again!! Walked around a little to wait for our stomachs to settle before going for - yup you guessed it- MORE FOOD. We went to an apparently famous chicken rice store which was packed to the brim with people //sorry no pictures// and we managed to find a seat out of luck. 
Fried tilapia served with a sweet and sour sauce. Fried food never tasted this good.
Spicyy thai green papaya salad!!! I loved this. 
Le spread. I honestly wasn't very hungry but damn, these were good. 
Half a chicken// which was so juicy and succulent// and (don't freak out girls) the dark stuff is jellied chicken blood. And yes I dared to try it!!! Tastes like tau kwa hahaha. Rather flavourless otherwise. The rice that came with everything was also very flavourful, but other than that it tastes like any very good chicken rice.
The national dessert: Mango glutinous rice!!! Bought from a nearby street stall (pictured below). Generous portion of mango and sticky rice drizzled in a rich coconut sauce. Couldn't stop eating this even though I was stuffed to the gills, the mango was SO JUICY AND SWEET AMD AMAZING.
Went back to the hotel cos my brother had business to do and visited the gym which was so posh. I want a gym...

//side note: everyone's mugging like hell while I'm playing here haha. Sigh needa start asap when I get back, but for now I'll just enjoy myself ;) //